Category: Science and Religion
Science vs Religion: Rene Descartes and the Cause of Spiritual Decline
- By Souldie
René Descartes is acknowledged as one of the several most prominent intellects in the history of Western civilization. He invented the geometry that is still most widely used today, and which […]
What is Faith? Is It Something to Question?
- By Souldie
It is time now to talk frankly about the question of faith. By that I mean, is there really any question at all? We are taught to “question everything…” Does […]
Coffee and Cancer: Studies Show Coffee Decreases Risk of Cancer
- By Souldie
Suspected by some and consumed by many millions, the most certain thing about coffee is that it continues to surprise medical researchers. Mildly mind-altering, even toxic in enormous concentrations, “Joe” […]
Pet Therapy: Cancer Patients, Pets and Comfort
- By Souldie
An article on Caring4Cancerreports: “While connecting with other people is vital, sometimes connecting with a pet is just as good, or even better because it is so simple and easy.” Because […]