Stephen Iacoboni News
The Undying Soul Reader Review
Dr. Iacoboni,
Thank you so much for your book. It was given to me as a gift when my mother passed away from metastatic melanoma this spring. I have always been interested in the near-death experience stories, and even though I know my mother’s soul continues to live, your book provided great comfort those following weeks. What an amazing journey of faith you have traveled. What I love about that journey is that there will always be something to learn. Thank you again! — Janine Long
Review of The Undying Soul – By Keith Wommack of the Houston Chronicle Religion Blog
“We all need to learn about the undying Soul, God. We must do so in order to conquer fear, the enemy that is the cause of the world’s pains.
Thank you, Dr. Iacoboni, for sharing your inspiring journey.
I rejoice with all those discovering the power of spirituality. I know that soon each of us will discover even more about Soul, even more about God’s ability to heal every disease. I’m learning that prayer, empowered by God, enables us to remove whatever is unlike the goodness of God.”